About Us

The Journey

The FIQS Journey: L. S. Rumbers​

Welcome to Fully Integrated Quality Solutions (FIQS), where we believe in doing the right things, at the right time, for the right reasons.​

A Journey of Purpose and Passion​

I stand before you as the Founder and President of FIQS, driven by a deep-rooted desire to serve the food industry, especially the small to medium-sized plants. My journey began as a Food Science and Package Engineering graduate from Michigan State University. Over the last 25 years, I’ve traversed through various leadership positions in some of the nation’s leading food companies. From Sam’s Club to McDonald’s, from Kraft Foods to Quaker Oats, I’ve experienced the intricacies of the food safety and quality industry at every level.

My experiences weren’t limited to corporate offices; I’ve toiled in the trenches, working the 3rd shift, weekends, and nights, facing relentless challenges and unrealistic demands while juggling priorities with limited resources. These firsthand experiences have taught me the true essence of the industry – the day-to-day struggles Plant Quality/Food Safety professionals face. This profound understanding propelled me to create FIQS and our flagship product, the FIQS Vault.

    The Power of Applied Knowledge​

    In a world where knowledge is often deemed the ultimate power, I’ve come to realize that true power lies in the application of that knowledge. FIQS is not just about theories and concepts; it’s about providing practical and cost-effective solutions to our food manufacturing and retail partners. We go beyond merely telling you what needs to be done; we show you how to get it done efficiently and with lasting impact. We use the Vault as the tool to make your efforts visible.

    A Heartfelt Vision

    My vision for FIQS and the FIQS Vault emerged from the genuine desire to uplift the food industry by leveraging my hands-on experiences from both plant and corporate levels. As a supplier, manufacturer, and customer (retailer and QSR), I’ve seen the industry from every angle. I’ve led quality, regulatory, and food safety initiatives for startups and acquisitions, building programs from the ground up, including quality systems, sanitation programs, audit and assessment schemes, and food safety programs.​

    Through it all, I recognized a pressing need for a comprehensive, low-cost technology solution that could empower our partners to thrive. This is what drove me to develop the FIQS Vault – a digital quality management software tailored to the specific needs of Plant Quality/Food Safety professionals. It had to be easy to implement, easy to use, and most importantly, truly effective in creating lasting value for organizations and customers alike.

    Speaking Truth to Power​

    At FIQS, we embrace the philosophy of speaking truth to power. We understand that just being “in compliance” is not enough; our mission is to help manufacturers transcend mere “audit-ready” status and operate efficiently and in compliance throughout the year. We strive to empower our partners to go beyond industry standards, raise the bar of quality and safety, and lead with excellence.​

    I Know Your Pain​

    • I know you are often overwhelmed with data, so much so that you have little time to review, interpret, and decide on a course of action. 
    • I know you need a tool that makes your data and documents easily accessible and manageable. 
    • I also understand that you don’t have much time to learn new systems and need a solution that allows you to see your performance in real-time.  
    • I know the workload increases, but the headcount, resources,  and expectations often do not.

    The Vault was designed to address these problems and more. 

    At Fully Integrated Quality Solutions (FIQS), we believe in doing the right things, at the right time, and for the right reasons.