Process Monitoring

Mobile Audits: Create audits quickly and easily. Download the FIQS Vault app from Google Play or the App Store, and you are mobile-ready on the plant floor.

GMP inspections, Pre-op inspections, Line Checks, On-Line testing, Equipment Swabs, and Environmental Monitoring are at your fingertips.

Email notifications of deviations can be sent to stakeholders automatically.

On Floor Testing.  In-process monitoring, with trend graphs and statistical performance in real-time.

Process Monitoring 6_17

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Document Library

You can categorize your document types such as claims, certifications, GFSI-related documents, quality-related documents, etc.  This system allows the user to assign multiple categories to the same document – when your documents serve more than one purpose.

Document routing and approval.  Version control and history.

Create directories and sub-directories to fit the needs of your business. You can search and report by category, type, author, etc. You can find your documents in seconds.

Corrective and Preventive Action

The system tracks open and closed CAPAs at a glance, so you don’t have to waste time running reports. Tie your CAPAs to product placed on hold.

You can delegate who will author the root cause, preventive action, or corrective action responses.

Attach supporting documents as needed.

Send notifications for open, closed, or overdue CAPAs to stakeholders.

CAPA and Notification 6_17

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Create and manage your specifications all in one place. Input your product properties, nutrition, manufacturing, procedures, etc. – everything that defines your product.

Global updates when ingredients change. All fields are searchable. Version control and history. Specification types include product, raw material, pack copy (retail units), sub-formula (pre-mixes, sub-components, etc.), and sanitation (cleaned equipment and environmental monitoring, allergen specs).

Properties with their spec limits are automatically uploaded into the Product Testing (LIMS) module when you select the product or material to be tested. The Specification copy feature saves you time when creating new specs.

Set security permissions to prevent access to your formulas within the specification while allowing access to the rest of the spec – keeping your confidential formulas private.

Simple and easy routing and approval, with email notification. 

Product Testing (L.I.M.S.)

A basic laboratory information management system. Finished products, raw materials, equipment, environmental, and allergen swabs can all be managed here and tied directly to your specifications and performance standards.

Results charted in real-time.  Rechecks are tied to the original result.

Track multiple products across multiple lines.

All data is trended by attribute. Compliance with your specification is at your fingertips. Rechecks, history, ad hoc testing – no problem.

5 Product Testing Chart

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Holding for Nonconformance

A repository (hold log) for nonconforming finished and raw material products. Automatically charts the top 10 reasons a product is placed on hold, allowing you to target your failure reduction or process improvement activities precisely.

At-a-glance view of open and closed holds.

Warns you against the inadvertent release of the product on hold for multiple reasons.

Notify Stakeholders of holds and products, raw materials, and process dispositions.

Supplier Profile

This module is a centralized repository of your suppliers, where you can link the products and materials supplied to you. The producing location(s) of products and materials and the various source countries are linked here, allowing for quick and easy traceability.

Product and raw material producing locations, including their source countries, are automatically uploaded into the raw material specification. Changes to the profile are immediately reflected in your specification. You always have visibility to where your products and materials are being produced, even at multiple locations by the same or different suppliers.

You can choose to add supplier-specific documents to their profile. Such documents may include third-party audits, supplier agreements, Food Safety plans, etc.

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Streamline and automate the process of tracking the training of your employees. You can see who was trained when they were trained, the time the training occurred, the subject matter, who trained them, their department, the location of the training, and the training material used (which can be attached.)  Now, training is easily verified.

The system provides three ways to capture the names of the employees who attended the training:

    1. Drop down menu selection from the standard list of employees you created during setup
    2. Download a spreadsheet with the list of attendees
    3. Attach a file with a list of participants 

You can input employees using a combination of all three.

The system provides an alert/reminder for when training is within 30 days of the scheduled training date, giving you time to prepare.

Queries and Reporting

The Drag and Drop feature allows you to build queries and reports quickly. You can save your queries and modify them as you need.  Reports are exportable to Excel. As stated before, every field in each module in the system where data is collected and stored is searchable.

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The Drag and Drop feature allows you to build charts quickly. You can save your queries and modify them as you need.

Build charts for reports or presentations to leadership and other stakeholders. From line graphs, pie charts, bar charts, and more.​